Our Vision
The goal of this vision is to bring glory to God by building a fellowship of belivers who earnestly desire to see Jesus when He returns. It is a vision of:
A WORKING CHURCH that internally disciples every member, developing them to spiritual maturity through Bible study, special ministry groups, seminars and retreats, that they may have an external (Kingdom) impact on their families, communities and the world.
A SPIRIT-FILLED CHURCH where every member seeks to know the will of God and desires the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live out God's principles in their daily lives and to equip each member for a significant ministry by helping them discovery the gifts and talents God gave them.
A FAMILY ORIENTED CHURCH that manifests the love of God to and through each other, where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find love and acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement.
A GROWING CHURCH that reaches out to the community through our evangelistic efforts and the personal witness of every member to bring other sheep into the fold; welcoming new members into the fellowship of our family - loving,, learning, laughing and living in harmony together.
A CHRIST-CENTERED CHURCH that focuses on life change, not just comprehension through a Bible based ministry for adults which also teaches our children and youth to love Jesus Christ and His Church as we together celebrate our love for Christ, honoring the Word of God and our covenant commitment to each other.
AN INSPIRATIONAL CHURCH sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with all the residents of Hanover County and the surrounding community through our worship, our witness, and our work; a church that is free in praise and worship, exciting in its ministry of music, and that inspires its members through relevant Bibilical preaching, ministering to the total person - spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially.
A WORSHIPING CHURCH that seeks to bring honor and glory to God in all that we do as a faith community, responding with thanksgiving to God for his blessings by promoting missions and endeavoring to bring all men to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
First Shiloh Baptist Church | 8150 Walnut Grove Road | Mechanicsville, VA 23111 | (804) 730-1348