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Nurses Guild

The mission of the Nurses' Guild is to inform our members on the subjects of life, health, the prevention and cure of diseases as they are related to the religion of Jesus Christ.  Further, we are committed to the realization that the Bible teaches that man's physical powers are a sacred endowment, that the body belongs to God, that it was formed in his image, that the Creator will hold man responsible for its care and development and that the very essence of the Gospel of Christ is restoration, not only for the mental and spiritual, but also physical man.

The purpose of the Nurses' Guild shall be to serve on a humanitarian basis to assist the stricken and the helpless, to give urgently necessary first-aid, nursing care, family health care and child care, to impoart general advice on problems of health that will help Christians to understand the relationship between spiritual and physical well-being and to supply whateve preventions are needed.

The goals of the Nurses Guild are:

  • Provide service to God by serving humanity through the provision of nursing care within the church and community by being on duty for Sunday worship, funerals, weddings, week of revival, Homecoming and Revival Sunday Services, Family Night and other large gatherings as deemed necessary, through offering blood pressure screening, medical information to the congregation and visitation of hospitalized members.
  • To hold training sessions in first-aid and CPR for all members of the Guild on a quarterly basis.