Diaconate Ministry
The mission of the Diaconte Ministry is to share in the tending and pastoral care of members in cooperation with the pastor. This mission underscores proclaiming the Gospel to believers and unbelievers, leading the church to achieve its mission, caring for church members and other persons in the community and organizing for effective service in the church.
The purpose of the Diaconte Ministry is to offer the pastor a "sounding board" with respect to the implementation of the church when assessing the value and worth of ministerial projects and concerns, to interpret the work of the ministry so as to diminsh conflict and increase communication within the church and to act as a liaison between the pastor and the church and its ministries.
The goals of the Diaconte Ministry with respect to its mission and purpose are:
- To provide a Family Care Plan that ministers to the needs of church families at all levels.
- To provide a fellowship for the deacon brethrens that allows for spontaneity in prayer, fosters worship and unity, as well as, kndredness within the Ministry and church.
- To sponsor an annual Men's Day effort in order to mobilize men for service in the church.
- To sponsor a "New Members' Breakfast" to formally welcome new members into the church through an outreach and fellowship medium.
- To sponsor the "Presidents' Breakfast," assemblying the heads of all church ministries annually to discuss the programmatic plans and objectives of the Church's ministry.
- To have an annual retreat for the ministry members for increasing spirituality, sharing an openness in the Ministry and to focus on prayer and relationship building.
- To assist in the Baptismal Service
- To assist in the Communion Service
- To help foster an attitude of reverence and worship during the Morning Worship Service and all other services of the Church.
- To assist the Pastor in every possible way to effect a smooth, congenial and spiritual ministry in the Church that will meet the needs of every member.